日本財団 図書館


5.5.3 Increased revenues and effects by the implementation


Increased revenues are estimated based on the increased number of passengers forecasted due to transport time reduction. The increasing operation expenses to be derived from the increasing number of train operation services (car kilometer) are also calculated to obtain an operation ratio for estimating possible effects by this project.


The increased portions of both revenues and operating expenses are calculated by subtracting those figures when no speedup by the Sprinter is made (WITHOUT) from the figures when speedup by the Sprinter is made (WITH).


The forecasted effects due to the project implementation for the year 2003 are described below. The operating ratio is supposed as 50. Forecasted effects by the project implementation seem to be fairly high.


[Effects by the Project Implementation in the year 2003 (rough estimation)]


a) Revenues


The formula to calculate revenues is stated below. They are calculated by piling up the number of shift passengers, fares, and charges (the present fare and charges are applied) by different ODs.


* Revenue from the shift of passengers from other kinds of transport means


= Number of shift passengers x (fares + New Sprinter charges)


= 165 (million bahts/year)


* Revenue from the shift of other trains


= Number of shift passengers x (difference of fares + difference of charges)


= 39 (million bahts/year)


* Total Revenue 165 + 39 = 204204 (million bahts/year)





